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Legal Notice

What you need to know


In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as LCEN, these legal notices bring to the attention of users and visitors to the site_cc781905-5cde- the following information:

  • The website is the property of the Company AFRICA MEITÉ ®, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" or the "Company".

  • Owner et Creator of the site: AFIRCA MEITÉ ® – Company taking up residence at 270 rue Archer9eau in Paris and registered at 270 rue Archer9eau in Paris Number 804410405.

  • Responsable publication & Webmaster : Karidja Meité • • Tél. : 07 58 31 57 63

  • Art direction & Communication campaigns : Karidja Meité

  • Host : Wix • 150 Elgin Street, Suite 800 - Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4 - Canada._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-836_bad5


This site  grants you a limited license to access and use the site for your personal use. Under no circumstances are you authorized to download or modify all or part of this site without express written authorization. This license does not allow you to use, for sale or for any other commercial use, this site or its contents.

This site or any part of this site must in no case be reproduced, copied, sold or exploited for commercial reasons without express and written authorization.

You must not use techniques to copy a brand, logo or any other information (including images, text) of which we are owner without express written consent via formulaire de contact.  You must not use Meta tags or any other "hidden" text containing our name without express written consent. Any unauthorized use will terminate the license we  grant to you.


La marque AFRICA MEITÉ ® et son logo sont enregistrés à Institut national de la propriété industrielle (INPI) ne are not royalty free.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, total or partial adaptation of the elements of the site, including its logo, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited.  Any unauthorized use of the site or any of these elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code (article L. 122-4).

Finally, it is recalled that according to the same French Code of Intellectual Property (Art. L. 122-4), any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of the author or his successors in title is unlawful and punishable according to the laws relating to the offense of counterfeiting. The same applies to adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process whatsoever.


  • Graphics: Webdesign and communication campaigns : Karidja Meité

  • Photographs and Infographics: Products and articles: © AFIRCA MEITÉ® - Event and promotional images: © Pexliato, © Foxliato Pixabay - Icons

  • The images, photographs presented on this site are not free of rights.


The use of the site implies the full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below.

The Company also ensures that their acceptance is clear and unreserved by setting up a checkbox and a validation click during the ordering process. The Customer declares to have read all of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, and, where applicable, the Special Terms and Conditions of Sale related to a product or service, and to accept them without restriction or reservation. The Customer acknowledges that he has received the necessary advice and information to ensure that the offer meets his needs.

These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, users of the site  are therefore invited to consult them on a regular basis.

This site is normally accessible to users at any time. An interruption due to technical maintenance may however be decided by AFRICA MEITÉ®, who will then endeavor to communicate to users before the dates and times of the intervention.


This site authorizes, on a non-exclusive and revocable basis, to create a hypertext link pointing to the home page or another page on the condition that this link cannot create a misleading, false, pejorative or harmful character. Under no circumstances will the creation of this hypertext link engage my responsibility, in any capacity whatsoever, for the content of the site. Any use in your link of the logo, brand or graphics and graphic creations requires express written authorization

Le site contains a number of hypertext links to other sites set up with the authorization of the owner of the site. However, the owner of the site does not have the possibility of checking the contents of the sites thus visited and thus declines any responsibility for this fact as for the possible risks of illicit contents.


Users of this site may submit comments on the Trustpilot platform, as long as such content is not unlawful, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, libelous, infringing intellectual property rights, or harmful to third parties and does not constitute or contain any computer viruses, political activism, commercial solicitations, mass mailings, chain letters, or any other form of " spam ".

You must not use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or lie about the origin of content. I reserve the right, at my sole discretion, to remove or modify any content, in particular for technical reasons (insufficient storage capacity, virus, clarity of the web page) or legal reasons (libelous, misleading, racist , obscene or glorifying crimes against humanity).

The reasons mentioned above are by way of example and should not be interpreted as being exhaustive.


The site was designed in France. It is hosted in France.

These General Conditions of Use of the site are subject to French law.

Any dispute relating to the site  will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Paris.

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